Resa med barnen på heltid – möt the Pope family från Australien

“The Pope Family, also known as @_roaminfree, is a family of five with a passion for travel. Mike and Brooke, along with their children Max (9), Mila (7), and Daisy (4).  They have been  together for 23 years and travelled as frequent as possible before having children. They didn’t start full-time travel until the beginning of 2020, but they’ve always been determined to continue their adventures with their children.

Resa med barnen på heltid – möt the Pope family från Australien

Starting a family doesn’t have to mean giving up on your travel dreams. The Pope Family believes that with a little creativity and determination, any perceived barriers can be overcome. They’ve been planning adventures and extended periods of travel for years, and they’ve found that traveling with kids can bring about amazing experiences for the whole family to share.

In February 2020, the Pope Family left on a 10-month trip around the world, but the pandemic hit shortly after they arrived in Mexico. They lost a lot of money because they had pre-booked most of their trip, but they decided to make the most of it and fell in love with traveling full-time. They learned to appreciate the small things and the precious commodity of time, and they realized that life is short and can be taken away in an instant.


Mike, a former police officer and firefighter, and Brooke, who worked in the travel industry, decided to make a change and start working online. They were able to continue traveling and spending quality time together without the stresses or worry of money, and they even started helping others build their own online businesses.


Their 10-month pre-planned trip has now been going on for three years, and they’ve encountered a number of challenges along the way. For example, they were stranded in New York for three weeks during the height of the pandemic, as their connecting flight never showed, but they found a way to make the most of it by renting a mini van and heading to New Hampshire for an incredible time in the wilderness.

After returning to Australia, the Pope Family decided to continue their travels by purchasing a 4×4 and a triple bunk caravan. They spent two years traveling Australia, completing 1 and a half laps and made many life long friends and found a new lovde for their own backyard.  Despite the opportunity to explore their own country, the family still had the itch to head abroad and finish what they had started on their original 10-month trip around the world. Recently, they spent two months in Indonesia, and they’ve just sold their caravan and car. They’re now getting ready to head off again to spend the rest of 2023, and possibly beyond, overseas. The Pope Family’s love for travel is unwavering and they continue to inspire others to follow their dream of traveling and exploring the world with their family.”


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